Creating functions

Learning Objectives

  • Define a function that takes arguments.
  • Return a value from a function.
  • Test a function.
  • Set default values for function arguments.
  • Explain why we should divide programs into small, single-purpose functions.

Table of Contents

If we only had one data set to analyze, it would probably be faster to load the file into a spreadsheet and use that to plot simple statistics. However, data may be updated periodically, and we may want to pull in that new information later and re-run our analysis again. We may also obtain similar data from a different source in the future.

In this lesson, we'll learn how to write a function so that we can repeat several operations with a single command.

What is a function?

Functions gather a sequence of operations into a whole, preserving it for ongoing use. Functions provide:

  • a name we can remember and invoke it by
  • relief from the need to remember the individual operations
  • a defined set of inputs and expected outputs
  • rich connections to the larger programming environment

As the basic building block of most programming languages, user-defined functions constitute "programming" as much as any single abstraction can. If you have written a function, you are a computer programmer.

Defining a function

Let's open a new R script file in the functions/ directory and call it functions-lesson.R.

my_sum <- function(a, b) {
  the_sum <- a + b

Let’s define a function fahr_to_kelvin that converts temperatures from Fahrenheit to Kelvin:

fahr_to_kelvin <- function(temp) {
  kelvin <- ((temp - 32) * (5 / 9)) + 273.15

We define fahr_to_kelvin by assigning it to the output of function. The list of argument names are contained within parentheses. Next, the body of the function--the statements that are executed when it runs--is contained within curly braces ({}). The statements in the body are indented by two spaces. This makes the code easier to read but does not affect how the code operates.

When we call the function, the values we pass to it are assigned to those variables so that we can use them inside the function. Inside the function, we use a return statement to send a result back to whoever asked for it.

Tip: The return statement

One feature unique to R is that the return statement is not required. R automatically returns whichever variable is on the last line of the body of the function. Since we are just learning, we will explicitly define the return statement.

Let's try running our function. Calling our own function is no different from calling any other function:

# freezing point of water
[1] 273.15
# boiling point of water
[1] 373.15

Challenge 1

Write a function called kelvin_to_celsius that takes a temperature in Kelvin and returns that temperature in Celsius

Hint: To convert from Kelvin to Celsius you minus 273.15

Combining functions

The real power of functions comes from mixing, matching and combining them into ever large chunks to get the effect we want.

Let's define two functions that will convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Kelvin, and Kelvin to Celsius:

fahr_to_kelvin <- function(temp) {
  kelvin <- ((temp - 32) * (5 / 9)) + 273.15

kelvin_to_celsius <- function(temp) {
  celsius <- temp - 273.15

Challenge 2

Define the function to convert directly from Fahrenheit to Celsius, by reusing the two functions above (or using your own functions if you prefer).

Applying functions to datasets

We're going to define a function that calculates the average age in our titanic dataset:

# Takes a dataset and calculates the average year of birth
calcAgeAverage <- function(dat) {
  ageAverage <- mean(dat$Age, na.rm = TRUE)

Note, that because there are missing values in the dataset (NAs), we need to set the argument na.rm=TRUE, when calculating the mean.

We define calcAgeAverage by assigning it to the output of function. The list of argument names are contained within parentheses. Next, the body of the function -- the statements executed when you call the function -- is contained within curly braces ({}).

We've indented the statements in the body by two spaces. This makes the code easier to read but does not affect how it operates.

When we call the function, the values we pass to it are assigned to the arguments, which become variables inside the body of the function.

Inside the function, we use the return function to send back the result. This return function is optional: R will automatically return the results of whatever command is executed on the last line of the function.

[1] 29.69912

Now, let's add another argument so we can calculate the average age for a particular gender.

# Takes a dataset and calculates the average age for a
# specified gender
calcAgeAverage <- function(dat, sex = "female") {
  ageAverage <- mean(dat[dat$Sex == sex, ]$Age, na.rm = TRUE)

If you've been writing these functions down into a separate R script (a good idea!), you can load in the functions into our R session by using the source function:


The function now subsets the provided data by sex before taking the average age. A default value of "female" is given for sex, so that if no value is specified when you call the function, the result of the function will be for females. You need to be careful when setting default values; sometimes you can get some unexpected behaviour from functions if you don't realise that an argument has a default value.

Let's take a look at what happens when we specify the gender:

[1] 27.91571
[1] 30.72664
[1] 27.91571

What if we want to look at the average age for specific passenger classes?

Challenge 3

Define the function to calculate the average age for specific classes of a single sex. Hint: Look up the function %in%, which will allow you to subset by multiple classes.

Tip: Pass by value

Functions in R almost always make copies of the data to operate on inside of a function body. If we were to modify dat inside the function we are modifying the copy of the titanic dataset stored in dat, not the original variable we gave as the first argument.

This is called "pass-by-value" and it makes writing code much safer: you can always be sure that whatever changes you make within the body of the function, stay inside the body of the function.

Tip: Function scope

Another important concept is scoping: any variables (or functions!) you create or modify inside the body of a function only exist for the lifetime of the function's execution. When we call calcAgeAverage, the variables dat, sex and ageAverage only exist inside the body of the function. Even if we have variables of the same name in our interactive R session, they are not modified in any way when executing a function.

Challenge 4

The paste function can be used to combine text together, e.g:

best_practice <- c("Write", "programs", "for", "people", "not", "computers")
paste(best_practice, collapse=" ")
[1] "Write programs for people not computers"

Write a function called fence that takes two vectors as arguments, called text and wrapper, and prints out the text wrapped with the wrapper:

fence(text=best_practice, wrapper="***")

Note: the paste function has an argument called sep, which specifies thevseparator between text. The default is a space: " ". The default for paste0 is no space "".

Tip: R environments

R has some unique aspects that can be exploited when performing more complicated operations. We will not be writing anything that requires knowledge of these more advanced concepts. In the future when you are comfortable writing functions in R, you can learn more by reading the R Language Manual or this chapter from Advanced R Programming by Hadley Wickham. For context, R uses the terminology "environments" instead of frames.

Tip: Testing and documenting

It's important to both test functions and document them: Documentation helps you, and others, understand what the purpose of your function is, and how to use it, and its important to make sure that your function actually does what you think.

When you first start out, your workflow will probably look a lot like this:

  1. Write a function
  2. Comment parts of the function to document its behaviour
  3. Load in the source file
  4. Experiment with it in the console to make sure it behaves as you expect
  5. Make any necessary bug fixes
  6. Rinse and repeat.

Formal documentation for functions, written in separate .Rd files, gets turned into the documentation you see in help files. The roxygen2 package allows R coders to write documentation alongside the function code and then process it into the appropriate .Rd files. You will want to switch to this more formal method of writing documentation when you start writing more complicated R projects.

Formal automated tests can be written using the testthat package.

Challenge solutions

Solution to Challenge 1

Write a function called kelvin_to_celsius that takes a temperature in Kelvin and returns that temperature in Celsius

kelvin_to_celsius <- function(temp) {
  celsius <- temp - 273.15

Solution to Challenge 2

Define the function to convert directly from Fahrenheit to Celsius, by reusing these two functions above

fahr_to_celsius <- function(temp) {
   temp_k <- fahr_to_kelvin(temp)
   result <- kelvin_to_celsius(temp_k)

Solution to Challenge 3

Define the function to calculate the average year of birth for specific year levels of a single study group. Hint: Look up the function %in%, which will allow you to subset by multiple year levels

calcAgeAverage <- function(dat, sex, class) {
   ageAverage <- mean(dat[dat$Sex == sex & dat$Pclass %in% class, ]$Age, na.rm = TRUE)

Solution to Challenge 4

Write a function called fence that takes two vectors as arguments, called text and wrapper, and prints out the text wrapped with the wrapper:

fence <- function(text, wrapper){
   text <- c(wrapper, text, wrapper)
   result <- paste(text, collapse = " ")
best_practice <- c("Write", "programs", "for", "people", "not", "computers")
fence(text=best_practice, wrapper="***")
[1] "*** Write programs for people not computers ***"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""